Adam Mendler

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Forbes: How To Make The Most Out Of Networking Events

Forbes: How To Make The Most Out Of Networking Events

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If you are like most people, there are few places you want to avoid more than a networking event. Yet networking events are seemingly ever-present and are often filled with extremely cheerful people. They clearly work for some people, and I am one of them. I have met many great people at events over the years, further building out my network, and, in turn, my businesses. As someone who naturally enjoys meeting new people and developing new connections, showing up is the easy part, but that is only half the battle given the opportunity cost associated with spending a significant chunk of time pressing palms. Regardless of how often you attend networking events, understanding the best practices can allow you to make the most of your time networking. So how can you embrace and potentially enjoy what you likely consider a necessary evil at best? Follow these tips:

Do Your Homework

One of the main reasons so many people disdain networking events is that most networking events ultimately prove to be a waste of time. We all lead busy lives and would rather not dedicate time to an activity we find unpleasant unless there will be a worthwhile payoff. With that in mind, it is imperative to spend sufficient time on the front end searching for and finding the events that are more likely to yield value to you. Work through the pros and cons of the event: How many interesting people are likely to attend? How important is it to connect with the people expected to be in attendance? How much does the event cost and how far away is it? What would I be doing with my time if I did not attend? If the expected benefits outweigh the expected costs, show up. If not, remember that time is a valuable commodity -- don't waste it by going to networking events that lack compelling enough reasons for you to attend. If upon showing up you realize that the event is a waste of time, cut your losses and go home.

Stay Focused

Once you identify an event that is worth attending, set micro and macro goals. For example, if there is a specific person slated to attend who you would like to develop a relationship with, an important goal is to establish a connection with that person at the event. If you are going to be in a room with an audience of potential customers, a goal can be to collect every person’s business card while making three meaningful connections. Regardless of your goals, remain focused on them while at the event, politely brushing off the inevitable distractions. A byproduct of talking to lots of different people at networking events is finding yourself in conversation with someone who has the capacity to impair your ability to be productive at the event by monopolizing your time. When you find yourself engaged with someone who you would rather not be speaking to, do whatever you can to keep the discussion brief. Your time should be spent wisely, focused on achieving the goals you set out in advance, or you will you have gone through the effort of attending a networking event for naught.

Don’t Be Afraid

Striking up a conversation with a stranger can be uncomfortable, intimidating, or both -- but get over it. By showing up at a networking event, you are taking a big step toward putting yourself out there, but it is not enough if you are unwilling to ultimately approach people you do not know. After all, the entire purpose of attending a networking event is to meet new people and cultivate new relationships. Remember that the process of initiating a conversation at a networking event is no more awkward for you than it is to anyone else in the room. Everyone in attendance understands the awkwardness and, in turn, respects and likely appreciates someone who has the courage to initiate a conversation. While developing new connections may come easier to those who understand the art of making small talk, there is nothing more important than simply being willing to start a conversation. Introduce yourself, ask a basic like “What brings you here?” or say whatever else is on your mind (as long as it is not offensive). Whenever you are at a networking event, apply the philosophy made famous by Wayne Gretzky: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."