Focus and Push Forward


I recently went one on one with Stephanie Andujar. Stephanie has been acting professionally since the age of twelve and has appeared in popular television shows and movies including Blue Bloods, Law & Order: SVU and the Academy Award winning film Precious.

Adam: Thanks again for taking the time to share your story and what you have learned from your journey to date. First things first, though, what is something about you that your fans don’t know?

Stephanie: Thank you for having me! Well… I think they don’t know I love being a homemaker… I’m a busy bee but I cherish those moments to do everyday normal things. Whether it’s cleaning, baking, sewing… I really enjoy those cozy moments. 

Adam: What failures, setbacks or challenges have been most instrumental to your development and success?

Stephanie: I’ve been auditioning since I was 10 years old. There have been some wins and losses.  I always took each moment as a learning curve. I never let it stop me because if one audition did not work out, I always knew another opportunity would present itself. It can be daunting at times because in the beginning you might take it personally. However, it’s usually not, because there are other factors involved. I’ve been mountain climbing and that’s a perfect example to know the way up will be challenging but getting to the top is well worth it… the outcome to becoming stronger is the best feeling. 

Adam: In your experience, what are the common qualities among those who have been able to enjoy success in the entertainment industry? What advice do you have for those either trying to break in or advance?

Stephanie: You have to have confidence, be brave and persevere. There are going to be great moments and ones that really challenge you. My advice would be to stick with what you love to do in life. If you’ve been putting in the hard work and staying focused, results are going to happen. Believe in yourself no matter what. 

Adam: What are the best lessons you have learned through your career in entertainment that are applicable to those who will never earn a living in front of or behind the camera?

Stephanie: Having passion for what you do. Everyone has some type of goal they want to pursue and you need ambition. Being in front of or behind the camera takes just as much effort if you want to be a journalist, writer, lawyer, doctor, or director. In any profession you’re going to go through the highs and lows. Staying headstrong and focused is the best thing anyone can do. 

Adam: Who are some of the best leaders you have been around and what have you learned from them? What do you believe makes an effective leader?

Stephanie: Director and writers. I have a lot of respect for them because I learned how to produce my own content. I figured if they can do it, I can too. I love being in front of the camera of course... but I also love writing and directing. What they do is not easy- they put the story together and bring it life. While actors get to go home, the director and writer are still making decisions, preparing for the next day… That’s a lot and for that they are great leaders - ones who can take charge and run it like it’s a marathon.  

Adam: What are your three best tips applicable to entrepreneurs, executives and civic leaders?

Stephanie: Communication is key. If you can communicate effectively to your team or employees, then you’re good. Teamwork makes the Dream Work. There has to be delegation and responsibility. Being strong-minded is also important because you have to show that you can handle situations calmly and rationally.

Adam: What are your best tips for actors, actresses and filmmakers or those trying to break in?

Stephanie : Really stay confident and have perseverance. It’s really that simple. Sounds easier said than done, I know… Entertainers also have to thick skin because you will come across people who may not always agree with you and might want to derail where you’re going. One has to stay focused and determined. If you love entertaining and filmmaking, then create content. I did that because I love what I do and wanted to add my creativity to the industry. If you’re good at something then take a chance and do it. 

Adam: What is something you have witnessed up-close or experienced that would shock fans?

Stephanie: Doing my own stunts. I recently performed one where I had to throw myself in the middle of the street while I was running. I got really nervous because I had to make sure no cars were coming behind me. When I landed on the floor I thought I heard a car zooming up… I got up so fast…No car came so I was good…

Adam: What is the single best piece of advice you have ever received?

Stephanie: Always believe in yourself. My family always told me that and I stuck with it. It has to start with you first because if you believe in what you have to offer, then others will too.  

Adam: What is one thing everyone should be doing to pay it forward?

Stephanie: Giving back in any way you can. Whether it’s giving someone a compliment, doing something in your community or just giving advice. Lighting the way for others will also light your path. 

Adam: Is there is anything else would you like to share? 

Stephanie: Thank you for taking the time to interview me… it means a lot. 

Adam Mendler