Adam Mendler

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People-First Leadership Is Key: Interview with Lisa Wilding-Brown, CEO of InnovateMR

I recently went one on one with Lisa Wilding-Brown, CEO of InnovateMR.

Adam: Thanks again for taking the time to share your advice. First things first, though, I am sure readers would love to learn more about you. How did you get here? What experiences, failures, setbacks, or challenges have been most instrumental to your growth? 

Lisa: Thank you for the kind words and the opportunity to share my story. The market research industry is a dynamic field dedicated to helping organizations and business decision-makers gather robust, high-quality data to understand consumer behavior, market dynamics, and industry trends. I started my career as a project manager at Harris Interactive working directly with clients to ensure their projects ran smoothly and were delivered on time. From there, I helped to develop their first full-service online project management practice and moved into different management positions in operations. I then moved on to a supply team, where I learned about sampling, sample technology, different research methodologies, and the importance of data quality for decision-making. Sampling is the process of leveraging technology to find an online “sample” of a particular audience to take a survey and using those answers to represent a larger population. I then served on the executive team at the sampling firm uSamp, developing their global panel and leading their mobile business division. 

With 20+ years of hands-on experience in the market research industry and a deep commitment to our vision as a leading people-first organization, I am incredibly proud to now serve as InnovateMR’s CEO, a global full-service research firm headquartered in Calabasas, CA. Our journey as an organization has been one of continuous growth, innovation, and unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional results for our clients. 

At InnovateMR, we specialize in delivering best-in-class market research solutions with a unique blend of innovation and expertise. Our team implements advanced methodologies and cutting-edge technologies to collect and analyze qualitative and quantitative data to uncover actionable insights that drive strategic decision-making for our clients. 

In addition to leading our incredible team at InnovateMR, I am board member and contributor to esteemed organizations like MMRA and UTA Master of Science in Marketing Research, WIRexec (Women in Research) mentorship program, Global Research Business Network, an inaugural Laureate for the Insights Association and formerly, the ESOMAR Global Council. I am deeply committed to nurturing and guiding our up-and-coming industry pioneers, as well as expressing my gratitude towards the mentors who have shaped my own journey. 

Adam: In your experience, what are the key steps to growing and scaling your business? 

Lisa: Growing and scaling a business is not without its challenges, but it can be successful with the right strategies and plans in place. I believe the key to strong business growth and scalability is consistent forward momentum. 

Some of these key steps include: 

A clear mission and business model – According to Forbes, 54% of workers are likely to stay at a company for five years or more if they are mission-driven and are 30% more likely to grow into high performers. With a clear mission and business model, you ensure that everyone from the top down is working towards a common goal, maintains shared KPIs, and has a shared purpose in their work.

Adopting the right technology and tools - Technologies allow for operational efficiencies that improve the speed and accuracy of specific processes. In our constantly evolving tech landscape, it also allows the business to increase capacity and be nimble, responding to client needs better. Teams must be agile and consistently welcome innovation to develop and deliver products and services that stay ahead of the competition.

Building a team of strong employees - As CEO, I have learned that I can’t do everything alone. Having a motivated, experienced, dependable, and knowledgeable team is crucial for developing and executing strategies for sustainable business growth and success. A smart and savvy team creates a powerful foundation on which to innovate and build a company that will reach its highest potential. 

Developing a culture of innovation - An innovative culture encourages bold thinking and creativity, spurs continuous improvement, encourages risk-taking, and empowers an agile and responsive approach. Psychological safety can keep ideas coming from all directions, future-proofing our business and keeping us ahead of the curve.

Knowing your target market & keeping your focus on the client experience - This is truly the foundation of a successful enterprise and is powered by research! Deep insights enable an organization to better understand its clients, go beyond assumptions and allow you to correctly identify the most effective strategies for engaging and growing your client base. By crafting marketing plans, products, and experiences that are tailored to your target profile with proven expectations, you can ensure that you are delivering solutions that truly resonate with and are needed.

Investing in the right marketing strategies - Investing in the right marketing strategies will reach more of your target audience, build brand awareness, and increase your sales. As you continue to grow and scale, your marketing efforts will help you stay ahead of your competitors, drive measurable results, and ultimately reach and exceed your business goals. To ensure success, it is very important to measure the returns on those investments throughout execution and make any changes for the best return. Fail fast and implement lessons learned!

Analyzing data regularly and adjusting accordingly - Coming from an insights background, I believe in the importance of reliable data and how it can power informed decisions. Analyzing data provides valuable insights that help identify and understand trends, target markets, optimize processes, and allocate resources in the most efficient way.

Adam: What do you believe are the defining qualities of an effective leader?

Lisa: As a leader, there are a few qualities that I believe are essential in managing a high-performance team. 

People-first leadership is key. Building relationships, fostering a culture of collaboration and trust, providing guidance and support, and actively building an environment for team members to thrive is always top of my list. I believe that investing in the careers of my team and leading them with humility allows them to grow personally and professionally.

Clear communication and executive transparency are critical.  Throughout my career, I’ve worked in organizations that had so much red tape with unclear expectations. As I moved up throughout my career, I wanted to always be an open and accessible leader. This helps build trust between the executive team, our stakeholders, and team members, which is invaluable for the business’s bottom line. 

Finally, it is very important to surround yourself with the right people. Creating genuine, authentic relationships with people who inspire can help you grow and provide immeasurable value. Having people close to you for support, sage wisdom, and guidance is paramount. When I first started at InnovateMR, I was fortunate to have a strong team around me that I could rely on for support as I learned the Innovate way and what made us so special.

Adam: How can leaders and aspiring leaders take their leadership skills to the next level? 

Lisa: You must always stay curious and hungry! If I could offer one piece of advice, I would strongly suggest leveraging mentorship opportunities whenever possible. If you look, there are so many talented and accomplished people who are passionate about holding the door open behind them for future generations of professionals. 

Adam: What are your three best tips applicable to entrepreneurs, executives, and civic leaders? 

Lisa: Follow the data: As an entrepreneur, executive, or civic leader, it’s important to always have a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in your space. Make sure you’re gathering as much data and research as possible, always analyzing it to inform your decisions. 

Collaborate: Recognize the value of an interdisciplinary team at the table. Work intentionally to mobilize different stakeholders in your community and work together to find the right solutions to challenging problems. 

Think long-term: Gather a comprehensive view of your business and its effects, focusing on how your decisions will impact others and the future. Always be mindful of how your actions will change our planet, local communities, and generations to come.

Adam: What is your best advice on building, leading, and managing teams?

Lisa: My best advice on building, leading, and managing teams is to create a holistic environment that nurtures the well-being of every team member, both personally and professionally. We have an internal wellness initiative, InnovateYou, at InnovateMR that provides our team members resources and guidance to thrive not only within the workplace but also outside of it. I want our team to feel supported in all areas. Family and life always come first, and as leaders, we must provide grace during challenging times. Intentionally build a culture where team members are psychologically safe, and they’ll remain eager to collaborate constructively to accomplish and surpass goals.

Adam: What are your best tips on the topics of sales, marketing, and branding?

Lisa: Success in any of these areas largely depends on your ability to deeply understand and address the exact pains your clients experience, effectively connecting with them at every stage in their professional journey. It is crucial to approach these areas with genuine value, always respecting their time, and being continuously curious and helpful. By crafting a cohesive messaging strategy that aligns with your client's’ proven needs, developing a strong value proposition, and understanding their decision-making process when faced with challenges, you can optimize your sales tactics. This guiding principle should be woven into every sales, marketing, and branding campaign. 

Adam: What is the single best piece of advice you have ever received? 

Lisa: I have been fortunate to receive a lifetime of valuable guidance throughout my career. However, if I were to highlight the single best piece of advice I have ever received, it would be to embrace the power of resilience and perseverance in the face of challenges.

Adversity is an inevitable part of any professional journey, but it is how we respond to these obstacles that truly defines our success and showcases who we are as a person. This advice has reminded me to approach setbacks not as failures, but as opportunities for growth. It has taught me to adopt a mindset that views challenges as stepping stones toward achieving a goal.

By embracing resilience, I have been able to navigate through difficult times with determination and unwavering focus. I can bounce back from setbacks, adapt to changing circumstances, and push forward with a renewed sense of purpose. In the dynamic landscape of business, resilience enables us to weather the storms and emerge stronger than ever before. It empowers us to innovate, take calculated risks, and continually strive for excellence. 

Adam: Is there anything else you would like to share? 

Lisa: I would like to express my utmost gratitude for the trust and support from my colleagues at InnovateMR. It has been a remarkable journey leading a team of talented individuals who are continuously pushing boundaries and redefining the market research industry. I am incredibly proud of our collective achievements and the forward-looking solutions we have developed for our clients. 

I would also like to emphasize again the importance of fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity at every level. At InnovateMR, we believe that diverse perspectives drive creativity and enable us to deliver the best possible outcomes for our clients. By embracing a culture that values open communication, encourages experimentation, and supports personal growth, we create an environment where every individual can thrive and contribute their unique talents. 

Lastly, I am truly excited about the future of InnovateMR. We are continuously exploring new technologies, methodologies, and approaches to stay at the forefront of the industry. Our commitment to delivering actionable insights and exceptional client experiences remains unwavering, and we look forward to further pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of market research. Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity to share our story and vision.

Adam Mendler is an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, educator, and nationally-recognized authority on leadership. Adam is the creator and host of the business and leadership podcast Thirty Minute Mentors, where he goes one on one with America's most successful people - Fortune 500 CEOs, founders of household name companies, Hall of Fame and Olympic gold medal-winning athletes, political and military leaders - for intimate half-hour conversations each week. A top leadership speaker, Adam draws upon his insights building and leading businesses and interviewing hundreds of America's top leaders as a top keynote speaker to businesses, universities, and non-profit organizations. Adam has written extensively on leadership and related topics, having authored over 70 articles published in major media outlets including Forbes, Inc. and HuffPost, and has conducted more than 500 one on one interviews with America’s top leaders through his collective media projects. Adam teaches graduate-level courses on leadership at UCLA and is an advisor to numerous companies and leaders. A Los Angeles native, Adam is a lifelong Angels fan and an avid backgammon player.

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